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Sifu Mark Phillips Wing Chun Seminar – December 2013

Sifu Mark Phillips Wing Chun Seminar - December 2013 | Laurence Sandum's Black Belt Martial Arts Academy

Returning to the academy on 7th December 2013 for the second time in two weeks, Sifu Mark Phillips this time gave an outstanding seminar on Wing Chun.

A true master of Wing Chun, Sifu Mark has been training Wing Chun at the highest level for 30 years.

During the seminar, Sifu Mark took seminar attendees through his method of developing chi sao, including the progression and order in which he himself teaches.

Many thanks to Sifu Mark for giving this brief glimpse into what is possible and can be developed through training chi sao.

Keep an eye on our Facebook events page for the latest seminars and events the acadenmy has coming up.