Jun Fan Gung Fu JKD Seminar & Black Belt Grading – June 2012
On Saturday 9th June 2012, Laurence Sandum’s Black Belt Martial Arts Academy in Chelmsford held one of it’s regular Black Belt Jun Fan Gung Fu Gradings.
The morning consisted of academy instructors Graham Young and Dave Mills being assessed in all of their syllabus material.
For the afternoon session, Sifu laurence brought in Guro Ralph Jones to give an excellent Jeet Kune Do (JKD) seminar, focusing on the fencing principle of ‘the weapon moves first’.
After the seminar, the two candidates demonstrated their wooden dummy sets; a tough thing to remember after taking in so much knowledge at the seminar!
Graham and Dave’s hard work and determination, both in build up to and on the day, paid off as they both passed!