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Grading Graduation – January 2012

Children's Martial Arts Chelmsford

On Saturday 21st January 2012 the Marconi Club in Chelmsford was host to the latest UK MASDA Grading Graduation. The event, as ever, showcased the dedication and success of those people who have worked hard towards their martial arts goals.

We were lucky to have in attendance Ex-English Cricketer and current Talk Sport host Ronnie Irani giving an impassioned speech on the benefits of martial arts.Throughout the event Emma Elmes, of World Champion display team Silver Dragons, entertained with an amazing array of kicks and flips.

Members who had successfully graded since the last graduation received their certificates in the arts that we offer; for example, Jun Fan Gung Fu, Kali, Kickboxing, MMA and Muay Thai.

Presentations were also made to those that had achieved rank as an Instructor.

Congratulations to everyone who received certificates; it shows as testament to the high level of both students and instructors the academy possess. The next ceremony is scheduled for later this years; see you there!